Analysis of application documents
At this stage, we analyze the received application documents in terms of the compliance of professional experience with the requirements specified in the job advertisement for a given position.
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Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. informuję, iż:
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At this stage, we analyze the received application documents in terms of the compliance of professional experience with the requirements specified in the job advertisement for a given position.
If your application meets the requirements set out in the advertisement, we will write an e-mail or call you to arrange a meeting at our headquarters, where you will take part in a recruitment interview. The meeting may be held individually or in a group, depending on the type of position being recruited.
* due to the specificity of our recruitment processes, we only contact selected candidates
At this stage, we make a decision on the selection of a candidate and provide feedback to all persons participating in the meetings. If the admission decision is positive, we also contact the candidate to discuss the terms of employment in detail.
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Plant protection products should be used safely. Before each use, read the information provided on the label and product information. Know the hazards and follow the precautions listed on the label. Biocidal products should be used with caution. Before each use, read the label and product information. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to the products offered, which result from technological progress.